Psycho: Film with Live Orchestra
It was amazing to be invited to perform in a ‘Film with Live Orchestra’ version of Afred Hitchcock’s “Psycho.” For many years now, I’ve wanted to play the filmscore! We performed this along with the RLPO whilst the film was being projected onto the big screen behind us. The conductor carefully timed the music to the action.
One of my piano pupils, along with his parents, watched the performance and thoroughly enjoyed it! Interestingly, they said that they soon forgot that the orchestra were there. To give you an idea, the orchestra is not illuminated apart from the stand lights, and we wore all black.
The score is is often studied for A-level music and is very cleverly written. One exampls is that not one of the chord progressions resolve, which creates suspense, intrigue and unease. Have a read of this link for some more interesting facts:
“The sinister motel, that strainge young man, the horror that lurks behind the shower curtain – the stabbing violin of Alfred Hitchcock’s Phsycho are the soundtrack to all our nightmares. This Halloween, give yourself the fright of the life with this big-screen showing at the Hall, with Bernard Herrmann’s chilling music performed live by the Roal Liverpool Phillharmonic Orchestra. You know you love it, so by popular demand, here’s one more chance to check in to the Bates Motel – if you dare…”